I don’t know, I was never that focused on just one thing only. I always felt like I needed to leap like twenty steps ahead during a conversation that people usually gave up on communicating with me and wrote me off as weird. It wasn’t like I did it on purpose since I could never stop my mind from buzzing way ahead. Yet sometimes I felt it was fun messing with them all the same. Then one day I realized that it was okay to just be plain weird and proud of it. That was also one of the reasons why I started blogging.

It happened around September 2004 on a platform called Xanga. It was a community where most of us shared our daily life tidbits or exchanged witty conversations. Then somehow the site changed and I wasn’t feeling as connected anymore. Not to mention how the majority of the people whom I interacted with left one-by-one. I sort of took a break from blogging until a friend from an online forum introduced me to WordPress. After some exploration, I finally made it the official place for my blogging since 2009. Not to mention, I desperately needed a new home for my fanfictions after Winglin encountered issues. I had also added different sections over the years to the place as an overall.

It wasn’t exactly like that. But blogging had become an essential part of my life. Considering how I don’t visit forums anymore. Forums were fun for me in the past. Then somehow, those just became ugly places to start some kind of senseless fan wars. Sure, that happened a lot on various social media platforms nowadays too. However, I was connected to forums more during the earlier days of my random internet cruising. It was no longer safe to share my opinions without harsh backlash. Sure, I got backlashes here sometimes too, but I tried hard to steer away from it. I did stumble and had issues with trying to keep this blog on a positive note at times, but I won’t give up this blog just because of a few setbacks. Hopefully, I will be able to continue with this blog for a long, long time.

Honestly, I don’t know, but like I said, I hope to keep this blog active further down the road. One thing I know for sure is I will keep it consistent and true to myself, not blogging about a certain topic because it is popular. Notice how my page is so deserted and less lively versus others. It’s on purpose. It’s me. So if you’re here, welcome and hope you stay. If not, hello all the same.