(image credit: Jun Ya’s Weibo)
I finally get to update on this because I finally figured out the title, LOL! Anyway, in one of Jun Ya’s past Weibo posts, he had posted the above picture up and marked it with these words “Fashion Night Out…✖ Fashion NightMare…✔“. At first, I thought it was for an AD or something. But scrolling down on comments and seeing their interactions, it seemed like it was from some drama more than just a regular AD. He called her Run Lian (潤蓮) and she called him Fu Chuan (福川) while responding to one another. (Click here for the original post.) Jun Ya’s character for the drama is Wu Fu Chuan (吳福川) and Ruo Ya is Xu Run Lian (徐潤蓮). It’s another DaAi drama for Jun Ya, interestingly. Anyway, really looking forward to this since I sort of got into their interactions via Weibo, etc, and wanted to see them collaborate in some sort of drama together. This is it! (LOL!)
Short post, but it’s because I’m still trying to figure out what’s up. Will update more next time.