Weird greetings and more gorilla moments. (If you don’t know what gorilla moments are, it’s when people laugh uncontrollably like gorillas.)
After launching into a little “viewers’ discretion” message, they jump right into doing what is not supposed to be re-enacting at home. Nice?
YUP, there’s no doubt about it, she’s gone way past being nuts already. (And he’s right about pointing out her family history of violence, not him, lol.)
And who was talking about not being the violent one? Look who’s the attacker here, lol.
And yes, this game is violent all right.
Is that his excuse for losing? (LOL)
Judging from their expressions, we all know who’s the winner, right? (LOL)
How mean! Blocking her like that, lol.
What now?
Ouch! But then she explained it was because he didn’t let her finish earlier hence the current reaction.
Oh really? I’m marking this one down for future references.
Never mind, don’t have to mark it anymore since he lied and interrupted her again.
*All images were captured by DTLCT