Before she was an adorable young artist, she was a star swimmer. That was the main reason how she got the role of the cute Rui Rui in Legend of Star Apple. Before she was cast as Cao Ke Rui, she took a small part in Chinese Paladin I as one of Li Xiao Yao’s girlfriends at his home town, the silly Ai Qie. Fellow Tangerine colleague Joanne Tseng was also seen by her side as the other girlfriend, Xiu Lan. Those who have watched Chinese Paladin might not even remember her. So Legend of Star Apple was actually her break and also her first starring role. She proved to have a lot of potentials although some anti-fans who preferred a certain pairing might disagree. She brought out the many sides of Rui Rui very well–from the simple-minded, uncouth yet cute girl at the beginning to the more matured young woman toward the end of the drama.

Around that same time, she also managed to bring out her debut album, titled A Little Fuss (鬧鬧), and coincidentally, it was also the opening theme song for Legend of Star Apple to which she sang with fellow Tangerine colleagues Esther Liu and Joanne Tseng of the band Sweety. The album also included the ending song of Legend of Star Apple called “The Rainy Season Has Started (雨季開始了).” Other tracks in the album showed different ranges and variety that young fans might enjoy.

As fate has it, her next drama was another collaboration with Ming Dao. However, as fate likes to play with people, she was not paired up Ming Dao, but with 5566 member Jason Hsu in Ying Ye 3 + 1. On a more positive note, it seemed that she and Ming Dao still maintained a good friendship within the set. Luck was more on her side when she brought out another album, Jia You Ba! Xiao Xiao Yu, with four tracks and a special DVD with MVs as well as clips of her working behind the scenes with the crew to make it happen. Her image for this album had transformed from the typical cute girl to the more mature girl. However, there were still traces of cuteness within her that was hard to hide.

While fans are wondering if she will bring out another album, fans could wait to catch her latest drama, Always Smile!, very soon. This is–coincidentally–another collaboration with Ming Dao. And as funny as it gets, she will not pair up with him either. Anyway, she’ll be busy–like the rest of the cast–in promoting the drama and participating in other events. I guess we can wait for the upcoming album since she’s already so busy, right?
*All images were scanned by DTLCT