WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD. If you DO NOT want to be spoiled, please DO NOT read. You have been warned.
To continue with that mystery at the end of the previous episode, things were not going well at all. Obviously, especially if it was true regarding the matter OR if the swap was just between the two families or all the families that were victims of that one nurse’s cruel game.
After drawing some blood for some DNA testing (finally, since everyone had calmed down after the initial shock of the story that both fathers recounted), everyone went home to wait for the result. While Chen Ba Ba and Chen Ma Ma were arguing over the whole matter, the others were mulling it over themselves. And why was He so happy? That was no time to joke.
When things were getting hectic at the Chen household, it was not any better at the Shi household since they were as worried for Shi Lang’s being–and the possibilities of the outcome. What would the result bring to them all? Preparing Shi Lang for the situation might be the best? Or was it? But that was a great father and son hug–regardless of blood relations. For the first time, Shi Lang agreed to hug Shi Ba Ba. He looked so happy. Love Shi Ba Ba although he could be a bit strange at times.
While everyone was worried out of their wits, Yu Yi and Hui Qi seemed to be in their own world. Yes, they were equally worried about the results since it also affected Yu Yi but it wasn’t as bad for him regardless of the result. It was still funny that Yu Yi and Hui Qi were still able to laugh about the matter. Yu Yi honestly wanted Hui Qi to go look for Shi Lang? Yeah right! That was still funny with his mumbling rant. Aww…that was so cute! They must be the cutest couple in here! (Sorry Shi Lang and Tao Hua!)
So funny that Yu Yi was getting special treatment all of a sudden. Not to mention that the others were being really sneaky about it. Why did they need to make up an excuse for being there anyway? Oh…no wonder they had to sneak around.
And that was almost so touching with Zhuan declaring that Yu Yi would always be their brother. A little bonding between them. But did he have to put such a strong emphasis on the matter? Not that Yu Yi did not appreciate their effort in including him in the family, but did he have to hit Yu Yi on the head while doing that?
Another touching scene with Yu Yi and Chen Ma Ma.
I always thought that Qi was in control of the situation regardless of the matter but I guess I was wrong since he was super clueless on stuff too. Too bad. Can’t blame him, considering what was going on these past days at the Chen resident.
Ekk…Tao Hua ran away from home? Again? Of course, it had to do with Shi Lang. This time, things were even more serious but still. The Chen household was once again in turmoil since they were back at looking for Tao Hua. Sounds super familiar all right. Just as they finally decided to pursue the matter on foot, Cheng received a call from Xiao Xue. Huh? Shi Lang was also missing? So He was right?
Was Hui Qi exaggerating? Seriously, would Shi Lang and Tao Hua jump? She was getting infected with the Chen clan’s vivid imagination all right. Possibly the effects of sticking around Yu Yi too much. And Yu Yi still find the time to act lovey-dovey? All right.
Another touching moment before the results would be delivered to them all. It was hard to imagine the Chen clan without Yu Yi. They finally showed some appreciation for Yu Yi–even if they usually bully him. It was a routine, right? A part of their life. It wouldn’t be the same if there was no Yu Yi.
Before the result could come out or they could find Shi Lang and Tao Hua, another drama unrolled for them. Well, for Qi actually since Kai Li was breaking up with him. I sort of guessed what happened earlier (since Qi kept delaying the talk because of other matters) and seriously I don’t blame her but that was too sad for Qi. He was a family man. Everything revolved around his family. If only people would appreciate him for that.
So after 7 dragging days of waiting, they finally get to see the results. They could finally sigh out in relief since Yu Yi was their brother after all. So that meant Shi Lang was not their brother. That was relief all right. But not sure if he was Shi Ba Ba’s son. Although that did not matter since they’ve been living together for so long but it was good to know too. Qi and Cheng played a trick on them? How could they? So funny that the twins were attacking Cheng though.
Aww…poor Zhuan. Yet he was so cute. Trying to get sympathy from Chen Ma Ma. (But then he did not realize Qi just got dump so they were both single after all.) So funny how he even hugged Chen Ba Ba too. What was that? Even Yu Yi has a girlfriend and he doesn’t? Aww…now their parents made Cheng help him get one.
Aww…Xiao Du Juan so cute! And Shi Zhi Qiang? Honestly?
Yay, Yu Yi’s back to tell us about the happenings since they were last together under the same roof. So Qi and Kai Li reconciled? And I thought Qi was so unlucky that he ended up alone. At least that was a happy ending. So funny that Cheng and Xiao Xue were still fighting like once upon a time. And I thought Shi Ba Ba and Chen Ba Ba already worked out their disagreements. Still funny.
So after that heated debate between Shi Ba Ba and Chen Ba Ba, we were brought back to Yu Yi’s little narration! Wow! Yu Yi was busy all right!
Picture time! Finally! And Yu Yi was right, where in the world was Zhuan? Wasn’t Yu Yi the one who the others usually forget about?
Problem solved! And I almost thought that it was Zhuan’s kid but it was actually Yu Yi’s kid. That answered the question with Yu Yi saying that he had four (but we only saw three so far). How dared Yu Yi assume that Zhuan’s gay? LOL! He was just picky! Not to mention fate didn’t touch him yet! Well, it was late but better than never, right? It was a small world after all. But nice… (Funny that their mother was also asking about Zhuan’s preference. That was a cute exchange between Zhuan and the girl! Cute!) Phew! So they finally get to take the picture after much delay.
It ended with a rating of .69, which could not be helped since it has been lagging since its airing. However, must say that it was still one of the most enjoyable dramas regardless of how the majority of the public had judged it to be.
*All images were captured by DTLCT