You know 2017 is going to be a good year when you wake up and read about Qiaoru’s latest development. Kidding aside, it’s true though that the media is circling back to Qiaoru again. I can’t believe it has been 8 years since the Love Buffet situation. But yes, it has been that long. Good memories to look back on actually, even though some are bittersweet.

Anyway, there are two articles that sorta went into details so I decided to read it thoroughly, dissecting it to bits–just to be sure I didn’t miss anything. Or more like misunderstand anything. (Go here and here for articles.) Anyway, both articles mentioned Calvin’s latest revelation that could possibly clear all rumors (or not). He said that he hoped to have kids before he hit the big 40 (the CTS article actually said 38 but it wasn’t too far off), because he claimed he didn’t want to be too old to spend time with his kids. Totally a good cue for a set of questions to unleash. (Hey, he jumped right into that one, didn’t he?) Calvin actually admitted that he had taken Qiao Qiao to see his parents already (for a meal). His parents complimented her simplicity and pure personality. Did that mean she was good as in the door already? Nope, at this state, Calvin and Qiao Qiao are considered “meal friends”, lol. As a recap, Calvin said that they both lived in the Tianmu area so they often hang out and go for meals. Calvin even complimented her on being down-to-earth and going out for meals with her was easy since she wasn’t a picky eater. They could browse around the street stalls, not having to go to fancy restaurants. When pressed for an answer regarding if he has plans to get married with Qiao Qiao within the next two years, he answered that if it was a matter of marriage, they would announce–yet if it was just a relationship not leading to marriage, he wouldn’t publicize it. The media went bonkers by then, stating that it was an indirect admittance to him loving Qiao Qiao. Sounds good to me! LOL!

Seriously though, Calvin had taken a few of his female friends he felt was a good match to see his parents in the past (aside from Qiao Qiao). Yet his parents–contrary to typical parents who want grandkids or whatnot–told him not to rush things. They advised him to pick carefully before getting into marriage. Aside from those important details (lol), there were some tidbits about him hanging around the gym with Jiro and Dylan at times to work out. (If you stalk all three of them, you could see pictures of them at the gym. They’re seriously obsessed, lol.)
*All images were collected around the net hence belonging to their rightful owners.