I initially wanted to wait until I finish more but I thought I delayed it enough. Even if the progress is still sad. The total number is now 61.
Past Fan Fic(s):
Neurotic: Tainted World – 1 Vote – That’s it. Told you guys it’s the last one. And so happy that I could finally finish it! Major relief indeed! The saga is finally complete–after long last. If you were following, you knew it was already done ages back.
Current Fan Fics:
Hide & Seek – 24 Votes – Still stuck. No surprise.
Honey In Tea – 8 Votes – Still in background.
Payback – 3 Votes – Moved forward somewhat, but not really either. Planned part 2. Yeah, I know. Not even done with part 1 yet planned for part 2? I don’t know. It happens.
Stranded – 2 Votes – Not moving either. I want to cancel it. But I don’t want to put people who voted through nothing. Although the majority weren’t really helping.
The Business – 4 Votes – Moved forward somewhat but still debating some stuff so haven’t posted yet.
Upcoming Fan Fics:
Gossip Mill – Feel like canceling it. NOT sure.
The Dating Game 6 – I’m working on it in the background. So I will post it up once I feel like it.
One-shots is still at 20. I’m nowhere near wanting to plan one OR have the inspiration to.