The New World: Episode 4

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*WARNING*: MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD. If you DO NOT want to be spoiled, please DO NOT read. You have been warned.

As it were, they were still following the latest lead with Mr. Shen yet was interrupted by Miao Miao and her using of connections. Yet after her initial urging for the others to investigate and find the truth for themselves of both father and son’s innocence in the involvement with Zhang Guo Tang, she went into a narrative, reflective mode instead of letting them move forward faster.

Luckily, soon, it seemed that Zi Yan and Dong Han were out and about again, carrying out another mission. Their job this time was none other than retrieving the files regarding Zi Hong’s background. They were able to find the files in the Records Room. Dong Han confirmed that Zi Hong’s original name was indeed Lai Song Ting (賴松廷), one of the kids who survived the accident of 20 years ago. After saying a word of appreciation for the two’s effort, Chief Zheng got off the phone and told Miao Miao she was right with her conjectures.

Back in the Interrogation Room, Zi Hong finally revealed more details and through his narration, told Chen Jie (and the others who were standing outside to observe) why and how he’d to protect his father. He said they could arrest him and imprisoned him for all they wanted, but don’t touch his father. He also went on to say that what he’d owed the Shen family, he couldn’t repay in this lifetime. What he regretted, even more, was not being able to call Mrs. Shen “Mom” before she passed away. Yet he also warned the others that one day he would turn this place upside down after he got out. Extreme? No, it was justified. What was WAY over was how Miao Miao kept giving them orders. It was like she was the only one in this world knowing of righteousness so it was in her right to tell them how to execute anything relating to justice.

Anyway, it seemed like someone loved to jump the gun and jumped to conclusions, so the next part actually revealed why Chief Zheng had arrested Mr. Shen. It wasn’t because they were so incapable of not seeing that Mr. Shen was innocent of all conspiracies. (Or most of it.) Dong Han had realized that Chief Zheng didn’t want to release Mr. Shen. It wasn’t because he was still doubtful. Because Ah Gang had verified some details with that one guy who was supposedly Zhang Guo Tang’s henchman in regard to why Mr. Shen went to see him. Mr. Shen wanted that guy to pass on the words of not bothering his boss anymore. What Chief Zheng’s initial plan (before someone used their connections to force them all to take other actions) was to force Jiang Jian Ming to appear. Considering how Jiang Jian Ming kept dodging them and not willing to cooperate but kept telling them to go on to find leads. Yet even after the explanation, Miao Miao still went on in her way with yelling them out, saying cops shouldn’t be that way and that she can’t accept it that Chief Zheng wasn’t releasing the pair of father and son yet. She sounded like she was their boss. (Seriously? If it was any other case, would she care that much? Just because it was involving her friend, she reacted stronger. Did she poke her nose in all of the other cases around town too and exclaim justice? If she did, then I’m sorry for generalizing. I tried to hold back for the last 3 episodes but it was just getting WAY out of hand now.) So Zi Yan had to interfere and explain to her how their chief didn’t have any other way either, and it was indeed hard on him too. Chen Jie even jumped in to vouch that they would release the two after acquiring the information they needed from Jiang Jian Ming. But that didn’t satisfy Miao Miao either, considering how she was already on a roll with being able to control them for so long. Mostly the chief was just heeding to her grandpa’s reputation, seriously. Even her grandpa’s interference wasn’t able to stop her either. (Well, if he was able to stop her way, they wouldn’t be there in the first place.) Now she was giving them the last chance before she would unleash her wrath. (Oooh, getting scary, right? Puh…lease…) And when in the world did she respect them? After all that yelling and she dared to talk about respect? Really? She said she had given them enough respect? Really? When was that?

So after Miao Miao stormed out of there, leaving behind her grandpa to apologize to the others – and even causing Chief Zheng to apologize in return, Chen Jie had to drive her grandpa home. Midway, they found each other and he even encouraged her on. (Seriously? Now I understand why she was able to keep doing those meddling into others’ businesses.) Yet he said that Chief Zheng wasn’t wrong either, because they just had different points of views, and method of execution. (Okay, that sounded a little better, but still.) Her grandpa said he was proud of her, seeing how much she cared for others. (Sorry, only if they were her friends, considering how she hadn’t meddled into every single case in this world.) He also reminded her there were other kids in this world that needed help, not just her friends. (Thank you, I needed that.) Her grandpa also told her to be careful, and not go mess with Zheng Guo Tang’s henchmen. After all that was said and done, Chen Jie still had to drive the old man home. (Seriously? No wonder they couldn’t go solve more cases, they were busy being chauffeur and slaves for some people.)

So the waiting game began since Jiang Jian Ming was still overseas taking care of businesses. Miao Miao was back to her devastating self and was trying to occupy her time at the newspaper place. As for Zi Yan, she was seen guarding the precious princess (or they would all be scolded again). Zi Hong was seen in his cell reading his newspaper. Probably the article Miao Miao published. It was also seen in the background that Zhang Guo Tang had already returned. Yes, the man that everyone had been waiting for. At least one of the major characters.

Then finally the person they’d all been waiting for returned. He actually returned the next day after hearing it, and didn’t even return home yet but had headed right to the police headquarter to see Chief Zheng and the others. Seriously, they were a bunch of stuck ups, all right. It was all right that Jiang Jian Ming was making it hard for Chief Zheng and didn’t even respect him enough to give him some ‘face’ YET expected him to do the same? Wow. Of course, it just made Jiang Jian Ming even more suspicious. Anyway, the little interview went on, Jiang Jian Ming rejected when Chief Zheng offered the presence of a lawyer. So he went on and told them of his background or how he’d crossed path with Zhang Guo Tang. He told them Zhang Guo Tang called him up and demanded money on the second day that the latter returned. On the other hand, while Chen Jie was questioning Jiang Jian Ming, Dong Han was really staring Jiang Jian Ming down. It wasn’t just typical staring to detect lying either. It was like he had a gripe or two with the old man. So when he left, Dong Han contradicted Chen Jie and said that Jiang Jian Ming was still hiding something. It wasn’t like it didn’t make sense. It seemed too good to be true that Zhang Guo Tang was just the crazy one and Jiang Jian Ming was just an innocent victim. (Really?)

The scene in the trailer finally came forth. It was the part where Zhang Guo Tang was talking to someone on the phone. Also one of the much-debated topics of the moment, which was who was the one talking to Zhang Guo Tang aka the person who called him and told him to return to this place? He also said that the other person would be seeking justice while he was after money. Aside from that, Zhang Guo Tang was asking how it had been a while that the other person hadn’t contacted him.

Back at the Shen resident, another confrontation ensued between Mr. Shen and Zi Hong. Mr. Shen wanted Zi Hong to promise him to never do what he did earlier again. He didn’t want Zi Hong to get imprisoned again. He wouldn’t know how to face Zi Hong’s mother. Yet Zi Hong didn’t promise him. Zi Hong said he knew his father was protecting him, not Jiang Jian Ming like he told Zhang Guo Tang’s henchman. After some more words of disagreements, mostly because Zi Hong didn’t want to drop the whole matter, not when he was so close with finding out the truth as to what happened 20 years ago, Zi Hong said he was moving out. He said that he would still come back to visit Mr. Shen. Mr. Shen knew it was to protect him, not wanting Zhang Guo Tang to cause trouble for him if Zi Hong were to go and seek out Zhang Guo Tang. Mr. Shen, after much-failed attempts, resorted to using a stick to disciple Zi Hong. He didn’t want to do it, he just wanted Zi Hong to not go and get himself hurt. The next words that came from Zi Hong were really touching though. He finally revealed what he was thinking all these years and how he had appreciated Mr. Shen and his wife had done for him but knowing it was too late to call Mrs. Shen “Mom”. All that they’d done for him, it seemed like he didn’t deserve it. However, he still wanted to seek out Zhang Guo Tang, but he promised Mr. Shen that he would take good care of himself. He wasn’t sure if he could do it, but he would try. What he wanted Mr. Shen to promise him was to take good care of himself.

When he stepped outside, he found Miao Miao there. She had been listening to their conversation and didn’t want to interfere. She almost didn’t want to talk to him either, not sure what to say, so she fled. Yet she turned around again. She apologized for not being able to help him when he and his father was arrested the previous day. However, she launched right into asking him about him being Qing Ting. She told him she discovered his identity already when she went with Jia Yuan to look for him. She went on and on with how she had asked Xuan Xuan regarding the song. She was sure trying to make light of the situation while he was just staying silent. (I’m not picking on her here. I know she was just trying to reconnect with her childhood friend.) Was Zi Hong trying to debate whether he should reveal himself? Well, it was already too obvious. Yet was he weighing the situation to see if he should acknowledge her? Considering how he had to go and confront Zhang Guo Tang later. She finally told Zi Hong to speak up, not letting her worry anymore. He indeed did, but he asked her to pretend that she hadn’t seen or heard what happened earlier. He also told her that it was the first time his father beat him like that, so she shouldn’t misunderstand. She asked him why he got hit like that, and he reminded her that he just asked her to forget about the incident. She apologized and soon asked about his mother. It turned intense again when she asked him if he could take her to see his mother one of these days. He said it was better that they kept their distance. She knew he wanted to go and seek revenge on Zhang Guo Tang. She asked him if he went, what about his mother? He tried to aggravate her by saying her investigations were just for some paper and was causing people even more trouble than she thought. Yet she was determined to continue with her investigation. Zi Hong asked if she was a cop, lol. He was definitely aggravating her on purpose, trying to chase her away with his words, not wanting her to be in danger. He went on and told her not to keep being so dramatic and saying all those nonsense about ‘brothers and sisters’, telling her to stop meddling into his matter, and that there was no longer any “Qing Ting”. She wanted to ask him one last thing, which was regarding the wooden tags on the tree. She pondered if it was he who placed those wooden tags on there. He said he didn’t know what she was talking about. She apologized and left at last. He pretended that he didn’t care, but he turned to look at her when she was walking away.

That night, Mr. Shen and Zi Hong went to Jiang Jian Ming’s house to apologize for their behaviors that had caused complications for Jiang Jian Ming. However, Jiang Jian Ming didn’t blame the two. Although, he told the two not to repeat it again. He told Mr. Shen that Zhang Guo Tang wouldn’t be listening to Mr. Shen or stop just because. Moreover, he told Zi Hong not to be so rash anymore, even if he was worried about his father. Jiang Jian Ming soon disclosed that Zi Hong should thank Miao Miao because Miao Miao was the one who had tried to persuade Chief Zheng all the while yet wasn’t able to get through Chief Zheng. He told Zi Hong that Miao Miao finally sought out his granddaughter hence his daughter finally calling him to tell him regarding the matter. It was also through that call that he realized what was going on so he returned faster than expected. So Zi Hong regretted his decision? Would he seek out Miao Miao now that he found out the truth? Or would he continue to be cruel so he could protect her from harm?

Indeed Zi Hong went to seek out Miao Miao at the newspaper place after the meeting with Jiang Jiang Ming. He tried to open the door but couldn’t. He walked to the other side to see the wooden tags Miao Miao was talking about on her computer screen through the glass door. He ended up going to his car and calling her on the phone. Yet she didn’t care to answer. She had every right to be upset, considering what she’d gone through to help him and had been given the cold shoulders. But she got up in the end. It was too late though, Zi Hong already left.

The next day, while Ah Gang was out with another officer to keep a lookout at the shop where one of Zhang Guo Tang’s henchmen was, the others were at the secret headquarter in a meeting. Xiao He was able to track Zhang Guo Tang’s phone number through the call he made on March 31st to Jiang Jian Ming. The area was the same as the place where Zi Yan had discovered those two kidnappers that one time. But because he had used a fake name to sign up, Xiao He wasn’t able to track any further. Once again, they ran into a dead end so Chen Jie’s disappointed sigh was justified. Zi Yan was pondering how Zhang Guo Tang’s actions were always faster than them. While they were discussing all that though, they had no idea that Zhang Guo Tang had already made contact with the person at the shop, through another one of his henchmen. Zhang Guo Tang set the meetup place at a supermarket. Nice? Ah Gang was able to follow that one guy to the spot.

Meanwhile, the others had left the control room and went back to the main area to discuss the case further. Chen Jie was saying how it would make sense that Zhang Guo Tang would contact Jiang Jian Ming the second or third time to ask him if he wanted to send out the money or not. Dong Han said that proved that Jiang Jian Ming didn’t receive just one call from Zhang Guo Tang. Zi Yan said that unless he had already given Zhang Guo Tang the money. Chen Jie then said regardless, he still lied. Xiao He was wondering why Jiang Jian Ming was lying. Dong Han jumped in again to say that he must be hiding something from them, something big like how Zhang Guo Tang had already had a hold on him about it. (Blackmail?)

So back at the supermarket, Zhang Guo Tang was having a soapy meet up with his buddy. (Yeah, right.) He was just reminiscing about the old days. He understood that the other guy had already left and had started anew with a simple life. He said he wanted to do a last thing for them, wanting to fulfill one of their old dreams. So after some side talk, the other guy went ahead and informed Zhang Guo Tang of what was going on, and how the cops were investigating him. He told the other guy not to worry since he was also investigating them. He disclosed that someone within the group was on his side. Already obvious from previous words exchanged on the phone, but now it narrowed down to the special team. After the exchange, Zhang Guo Tang left and Ah Gang tried hard not to get discovered.

Dong Han briefed them a bit about the situation with Jiang Jian Ming and Zhang Guo Tang years back. He suggested that they revisit the case regarding the accident of 20 years ago to understand more about the situation. He wanted to go in a different direction, considering how they were in a tight spot at the moment–with no lead and all. Chen Jie rejected the idea and said their boss wanted to keep things secret for now. He also said that they should be tracking down Zhang Guo Tang. Dong Han said he could investigate on his own time then. Yet Chen Jie told Dong Han that he already disregarded it. He went all out with saying that he could send Dong Han out to do other missions or he could let Dong Han swap with Ah Gang or let him go with Ah Gang to monitor the store. Then he said that Yong Mei needed someone to escort her later, and he initially wanted to let Zi Yan go with her but he could send Dong Han out as well. Yes, someone was definitely exuding his leader attitude. In a way, they should focus and be a team, I agree. But on the other hand, I couldn’t shake it that he was seriously suspicious. Or he needed to prove he was their leader? No idea. But he ended up dragging Xiao He in too. Then he said he wanted Dong Han to understand the situation and the target was Zhang Guo Tang, but Dong Han pointed out that his target was also Zhang Guo Tang. Chen Jie had to pull the “This is an order” card yet Dong Han said what if his order was wrong. (LOL!) Chen Jie got so mad that he got up from his seat and did a face-off with Dong Han. What now?

*All images were captured by DTLCT

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