I’m finally reviewing this after soooo long. Yes, I sure took my precious time. So, first thoughts? I thought her voice would take on a sweeter feeling, considering how her normal talking voice is. But it doesn’t mean I don’t like it. I find it unique. I also like the artistic approach for this album, and how the theme seemed to reflect with keeping it real. There was some added sophistication into it but that reflected her different sides.

1. Epiphyllum (曇花). Such a beautiful song. The music flows nicely along with her voice. The lyrics blend nicely along, weaving a very mystical picture. Yet what’s so mesmerizing about the song is the imagery along with the string instrument used to tug at one’s heart.
2. Song of Midsummer (盛夏的歌). Lyrics were penned by Cecilia. A very fun and uplifting song. Just right for the summer season. Very nice and cute in a sense. It started out with a mild sense of upbeat but intensified itself midway through. Worked out great.
3. They Say (他們說). Another song with its lyrics penned by Cecilia. This song really appealed to my rebellious side. More like how society kept telling and dictating for us to do what’s supposedly “right” yet it’s not their lives. It’s our lives. We should know what we want and we will have to deal with consequences, not them. So why listen? Love this song! Like the beat and a strong ending.
4. This Is Our Youth (這就是我們的青春)(2012年的蘇州市吳中區形象宣傳片主題曲). Yet another song penned by Cecilia. Not that I’m complaining, lol. Another beautiful song, so nice and innocent, just like how youth usually is. Really love the overall feeling of this and the mood is nicely set.
5. Fatalism (宿命論). Lyrics penned by Cecilia. Fast and upbeat song. Has this ‘rocker’ feeling to it. Or maybe it’s just me, lol.
6. The Best Time, The Best Love (最好時光最好的愛). Yeah, it’s another song written by Cecilia. Another lovely song.
7. Midnight in Paris. Lyrics were penned by Cecilia (once again, lol). Started out slow and built itself to a really fast and upbeat song. Cecilia’s voice took on a cuter side for this one. The music is so addicting for this one–although just a simple song. Kudos to the composer.
8. Love is Like a Fire (愛就一把火). Penned by one of the best lyricists, Lin Xi. Another nice song by this lyricist. However, not my favorite among all the other songs.
9. Can’t Leave You (離不開你). Lyrics adapted by Cecilia. I was having mixed feelings throughout this song. Yet she won me over again. A sad and somewhat touching song. I didn’t mind that it was leaning toward the ‘whining’ side. Because the ending made all the difference.
10. Fleeing (逃離). I love them as a team as lyricist and composer. ‘Cause I really enjoyed their other collaborations (tracks 4 and 7). A somewhat sad song but it didn’t take on a pitiful tone. A feeling of reminiscence and a touch of a haunting past.
11. 1050﹣2009. Same team from tracks 4,7, and 10. Another epic collaboration to finish out the album. Love the piano mix in this one. It provided a beautiful flow for the song and splashed on it a very nice touch of an ancient feeling. Like a classic era, which fitted nicely for the theme of the song.

Cecilia is truly a chameleon lyricist. I was really amazed and surprised by the range and theme she managed to capture in each one of the songs she wrote. Of course, the accompanying of the wonderful composers helped. However, the lyrics she used for each song made it unique and how it wasn’t repetitive like how lyricists often fall into. Each theme of the song was different, so even if some of the simplest characters repeated (which was essential), the language used was totally different thus giving a different feeling for the song in general.

Recommended? Up to you. I felt it was worth it for me. It reassured me once again that I could still listen to qualify stuff and enjoy pop music on its own, lol. PHEW! (LOL) But seriously though, it was worth it. For real. I was surprised that I enjoyed it that much. The first listen was misleading. It was a very beautiful album overall if you understand the flowery lyrics and imagery used.

*All images were scanned by DTLCT
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