(image credit: as marked)
Last week or so, I heard some rumors about her leaving Yu Zheng’s company. I was feeling hopeful, considering how she had racked up all these “bricks” that could help her build a mansion–mostly due to being linked with him. Yet I didn’t want to be too happy and then be disappointed again. Then stuffs happened so I didn’t get to search for it yet. But it was confirmed later on. One of the articles went into more detail about how Yu Zheng had shared his thoughts regarding that and many suspected that he was issuing some sort of underlying threat about her career. I’m not much for conspiracy theories, but from Yu Zheng’s past reactions to events, I think it’s possible. But I’m just happy that she’s out of his grasp. Well, NOT yet since she still has some time left with her current contract. I’m still glad that she’s not renewing. Now, others can fight over who would get promoted next and can’t blame her for being in the way of their precious favorites anymore. I’m not saying she’s the best or whatever. I’m not saying that. I mostly like her because of her perseverance and hardworking attitude. But I’m just sick and tired of others hating on her because she was promoted more (instead of aiming at Yu Zheng for his decisions).