If you haven’t noticed, Eric Huang finally gets to fulfill his dream of being a producer. It’s actually a web series, called Wu Mei Niang (舞魅娘), which will be focused on the stories of some ancient beauties and/or heroine. (Click here for the full article.)

Amanda Chou (周曉涵) will be portraying Xi Shi (西施).

Mandy Tao (陶嫚曼) will be Hua Mu Lan (花木蘭).

Viola Fang (方妍心) will be Yang Gui Fei (楊貴妃).

And last but not least, Tang Rui Hong (唐瑞宏) will be Da Ji (妲己).

Aside from that, I have no idea who the male cast will be. I meant there were pictures of them in the blessing ceremony, but not sure who will play whom. I’m not even sure if Eric will somehow be part of the cast as well or just be the producer. Aside from some random pictures here and there from the cast, there is no other official information after the news of the production starts.

*All images were collected around the net hence belonging to their rightful owners.