Yes, I watched it. At first, I didn’t care for it because I was judging the book by its cover. (Yes, guilty.) Based on its title, I thought it was some fun restaurant comedy, lol. That was because I focused on the Chinese title, not the English title, so didn’t know it was about some mysterious cases, lol. I was glad I checked it out at long last. Better late than never, right? So, how was it? It was actually good. Surprisingly really good. Then I just had to ruin it by reading the novel. LOL! More on that later, but the series itself was a sudden fresh breath among the seas of fantasy romance productions of recent years.
Main Cast:
- Cheng Yi (成毅) as Li Lian Hua (李莲花) / Li Xiang Yi (李相夷). Li Xiang Yi was a prodigy in martial arts and became one of the most powerful figures of the martial world. He also invented some of his special skills and martial arts techniques. Being so gifted and talented made him arrogant and it drew a huge amount of unwanted attention and enemies. That was one of the reasons for his downfall later. As Li Lian Hua, he was seen as a fake medic who relied on his luck to survive. It was revealed later that he had strong analytical skills, leading to him being able to solve very complicated cases. He was toned down majorly from the novel because he was so goofy in the novel that no one really believed he was really Li Xiang Yi. Even if some had suspected at first but became dismissive of it later. It was a way to say that he had loosened up and let go of many things over the years living a normal life away from all the chaos of jianghu, so he no longer exuded that air and confident that the people around witnessed when he was Li Xiang Yi. No masks needed in the novel because he wasn’t around some characters as much. When some recognized him, he made up outrageous stories that they somehow believed and got away with it (until later). As for Cheng, Yi, this was my very first time watching him, although I heard of him before and knew who he is. I wasn’t interested in some of the past works because I was so overwhelmed by all the fantasy productions released that I just steered away completely regardless of who was in them. I must admit that he was really good and convincing in both roles. He made me believe those two characters were different. The transition was really nice and showed the character development throughout. The fact that Cheng Yi chose to do his own stunts was nice. The swords play were well executed and showed how he really fitted with the role.
- Joseph Zeng (曾舜晞) as Fang Da Bing (方多病) / Fang Xiao Bao (方小寶). One of the top reasons I jumped in to watch this after learning it was a case solving series was because of him, lol. It’s not a surprise I liked him since watching Fighter of the Destiny. I haven’t watched anything of his fully since HSDS and I had to drop Romance on the Farm temporarily because of the infuriating plot development. Anyway, for this role, it was obvious I was biased toward his character and how his development was, so I was more eager for his scenes versus others. He was a typical hero in the way that he was from a rich family yet wanted to more than anything to venture into jianghu and find fame via his talents. It was a typical hero’s dream. That connected with the past Li Xiang Yi because everyone growing up had that dream. He was indeed somewhat arrogant and spoiled yet he was kindhearted in general. He was also quite righteous hence wanting to join Bai Chuan Court at the beginning. As for the novel, he knew Li Lian Hua for six years already so he was really familiar with him, except for the big secret, obviously. The character who admired Li Xiang Yi and wanted to learn from him wasn’t Fang Da Bing, it was another character who was actually a disciple of Yun Bi Qiu (but died tragically during a case). So they just merged characters in like that. I didn’t have too much of a problem with making Fang Da Bing wanting to become a disciple of Li Xiang Yi but stripping his background (regarding his parents) and making it so there was some misunderstanding later was a stretch. It was done on purpose to drive the drama along just because they (the production team) needed hype. Also, he did appear about two-thirds in the novel so I wasn’t too upset. Granted, he was the closest character compared to the novel in regard to major characters.
- Xiao Shun Yao (肖顺尧) as Di Fei Sheng (笛飞声). He was from the dark side but was considered straightforward in his intention. He was a leader of a big alliance but sought for a worthy opponent so he got carried away in that sense. In a way, he was too obsessed with martial arts and wanted to seek out challenges, etc. He was a major character in here because they needed a third character to hold up the series. NOT saying I didn’t like him. I liked the balance between the three main leads. However, because of him, another character got robbed of scenes. Yes, I had to say it because I will break the others down later as well. So it was only fair to mention that he contributed to the scene cuts of other major characters. His appearance in the novel was a grand total of four times with the third time being the longest because that scene was where Li Lian Hua rescued him out of Jiao Li Qiao’s prison. If I wanted to give him the fifth scene, it was the battle between him and Li Xiang Yi but that was told by storytellers more than an actual scene. But that could be considered background story and because it had major impact on Li Xiang Yi later. Probably that was why the production team chose to boost him up versus other characters but that was really stretching it with some additional scenes later. Novel Fang Da Bing actually admired him when he appeared at Xiao Zi Jin and Qiao Wan Mian’s wedding, because Fang Da Bing felt at least he was straightforward with his challenges, not using underhanded techniques. The actor? It was my first time watching him as well so I don’t have any past works to refer to. However, I felt he indeed had the screen presence to hold up the series as part of the main three. Not to mention his charm at times as the storyline unfolded.
- Rain Wang (王鹤润) as Jiao Li Qiao (角丽谯). She was a major force alongside Di Fei Sheng. It was mentioned that Di Fei Sheng saved her one time so she’d been loyal to him since. She was also obsessed with him and wanted to help him take over the world. She was really crazy in the novel too, way crazier even. She was in fact the main villain yet the production team (and their terrible decisions) decided to knock her down. If they wanted to boost up a female character, this was it. They just needed to add a little more. She did a lot of conspiring and scheming just like in the series to get her way. However, her downfall was her overconfident and thinking she had Yun Bi Qiu wrapped around her fingers already. Oh yeah, she even consumed human flesh because she liked it (but this was a secret that only some knew) so that was why men still fell head over heels for her and was willing to do anything for her. I understand the need to cut this because it would be too traumatizing for viewers (and to preserve their reputation because they couldn’t have even the villain be that terrible) but pushing her aside and robbing her scenes was a major asshole move. It was already lacking in the novel. But there were different accounts and she often used her minions to do her deeds so she didn’t appear much. Not because she wasn’t powerful. The author stressed a lot about her manipulation techniques so she wasn’t incapable in that sense. The actress? She did a wonderful job. I felt like hating her too when I watched. And yeah, she was indeed creepy. When I read the novel, I felt she was the other person who was close to the original work.
- Chen Du Ling (陈都灵) as Qiao Wan Mian (乔婉娩). Li Xiang Yi’s lover and then ex-lover later when he fell and went missing and then thought to be dead. I was really underwhelmed by her. Yes, this was my first time watching her like some and probably really unfair to her to say that. However, it was because I heard lots of good feedback about her and how people boosted her beauty, etc. So when I watched, I expected that magical feeling just like how other viewers had experienced yet wasn’t feeling much of it. She was indeed a beauty (like the majority of stars getting major roles recently and the idol trends). But something was definitely missing for me. It wasn’t because of the character development or plot either. Because the writers boosted her a lot and increased her scenes majorly, at the expense of some others. AND NO, the reason I wasn’t that into her wasn’t because she moved on. She had every right to move on. It was her life after all. The scenes between her and Li Xiang Yi played out during the confrontation was exactly like that. Well, almost exactly because they actually bumped into each other when Li Lian Hua was out and about and cleaning up the area around Li Xiang Yi’s grave. (Yes, they made a fake grave for Li Xiang Yi in memoriam to him.) That was the first time they met up after so many years and they resolved their past right there and then. It was after the wedding and all so she was Xiao Zi Jin’s wife already. (He did attend the wedding but just watched from afar and did save her from the other incident but she never knew it was him.) The words she said to him about moving on and if she had known he was still alive, she wouldn’t have married Xiao Zi Jin and how he said she wasn’t sad that she married him yet was sad that she didn’t regret it were word per word from the novel. It was an important moment. It was their closure. However, there was no letter or anything (like in the series). Everything happened abruptly and he felt betrayed at first and was pissed off at everyone. So, this meeting, he was already calmed and all (after so many years) so he gave her his blessings after some more words between the two of them. (The other time they came into contact was how he escorted this one group of ladies to a location and bumped into the couple and Xiao Zi Jin forced him to draw his sword yet he chose to break it and then jumped into the river. But she didn’t know about it.) What the production team did was trying to make her perfect by allowing her to see Xiao Zi Jin’s despicable side and saying the wedding wasn’t really official hence her deciding to leave in the end because Xiao Zi Jin just refused to trust her. Because in the novel, she never found out some of the stuff he did to Li Xiang Yi and he was already official with Xiao Zi Jin (as official as can be) and stayed by his side. It wasn’t revealed if she knew other stuff later, but they stayed together as far as the story revealed about them. I think the thing was she wasn’t turned off by Li Xiang Yi’s lust for power and fame or his arrogance or anything like that. She was fine with him being an important figure and his attitude. The problem was he wasn’t 100% focused on her. At first, he did do a lot of stuff to win her heart (the red cloth tied to his sword was a famous tale), then he just got occupied with other stuff that had unknowingly neglected her. She needed someone to dedicated himself to her 100%, that was why she was upset. AND NO, I’m not saying she was wrong to want all the love and attention and a man who was dedicated to her. She have every right to choose whoever it is she wants to spend the rest of her life with. I’m saying because the production team made her perfect that seemed like they were justifying her actions, which they didn’t need to. If they just left it at that everyone had different priorities in life and Li Xiang Yi and her just clashed after the initial phase of falling in love, I would have accepted it more. And no, I didn’t become disinterested in her character after reading the novel. I was already underwhelmed while watching and was just glad the story moved away from her and Xiao Zi Jin in general beause I was bored of the love triangle and the unnecessary drama. (Because I was mostly in for the cases.)
- Estelle Chen (陳意涵) as Su Xiao Rong (苏小慵). At first, I didn’t know what to make of her. Considering how the majority of the characters in here had some sort of mysterious background. It was hard not to be suspicious of her because the other medics also had some sort of motive when they arrived at the mansion. However, it was revealed she just took on her sworn brothers’ identity to satisfy her curiosity of that special item people kept talking about. She became a major help later on with her resourceful background. Aside from that, she was so cute. It was funny and somewhat sad at times that she kept getting abandoned by the three guys. Yet it was for her own safety. Sadly to say, in the novel, she was killed off after the wedding ceremony because of her link to Guan He Mong. It was very tragic and cruel. Fang Da Bing was very upset by it. He teased her in the novel, knowing she liked Li Lian Hua yet wasn’t too fierce with her like in the series. (Even if it was done in humor at one point.) Because of her sudden death, they didn’t get to know her as much. What they knew of her was that she was a friendly, kind, and sweet person. Regarding her scenes, I felt it was about the same. Only the nature of her story was change in the series, allowing her to live. It was somewhat spread out, that was all. In the novel, she appeared in one long event but then got killed off so we didn’t get to learn as much about her anyway. I felt the production team probably wanted another female character presence so they changed that. I was fine with that since I was also very upset upon learning how tragic her death was and how senseless the killing was. At least, her personality didn’t change in the series and she didn’t take up all the time of other characters.
- Liu Meng Rui (刘梦芮) as Princess Zhao Ling (昭翎公主). Fang Da Bing’s fiancee. I was a bit annoyed with her at first. It wasn’t because I was thinking from Fang Da Bing’s perspective with him being in a forced marriage and all. But it was how careless the writers started her story. A princess sneaking out of the palace to go on an adventure wasn’t anything new. However, no one went with her? Not even her maid? Not to mention no one went looking for her? No one cared for her enough to look? It seemed unbelievable. But her later scenes were better and her story arch had some meaning so I forgave the writers somewhat regarding those sloppy details. The novel revealed she was one of the reasons some characters’ scenes were cut short. She wasn’t at the Girls’ Mansion (and Fang Da Bing wasn’t either). That case was Li Lian Hua’s alone. The princess only appeared in the case where they were in the palace. Yes, she appeared briefly talking to Fang Da Bing during their first meeting in the palace when Fang Da Bing was waiting to meet the king for the first time; and then twice more but very briefly. However, yes, I’m making an exception, I didn’t like how the ending of that case (at the Girls’ Mansion) turned out for the novel. Because it neglected the fact that Yu Lou Chun had kidnapped those girls and/or acquired them through illegal dealings and forced them into such circumstances yet they were forced to become nuns to repent for the roles they played in his murder. What? Yeah, one of those times I didn’t agree with the novel. So, I liked the ending for that case in the series better. (Perhaps the author wanted to portray the unfairness and tragedies people go through at times and one couldn’t always seek out justice as easily.)
- Shen Bao Ping (沈保平) as Monk Wu Liao (无了大师). The person who saved Li Xiang Yi and supressed his poison for the time being. He was the leader of a small temple near Bai Chuan Court. He became a confidant to Li Xiang Yi over the years. He wasn’t a busybody in the novel, knowing to respect Li Xiang Yi’s wish so all those scenes with him trying to help with resolving past conflicts between Li Xaing Yi and Qiao Wan Mian didn’t happen. He sometimes did mention some stuff but didn’t push it.
- He Gang (贺刚) as Shan Gu Dao (单孤刀). Li Xiang Yi’s senior from the same sect. He was possibly mentioned twice in the novel, that was it. His link to Li Xiang Yi was unknown. Well, it was revealed that he was part of the three (aka Li Xiang Yi, Xiao Zi Jin and Shan Gu Dao) who roamed the martial world together and had some similar mentality hence sticking together, etc. The three were sworn brothers. There was no mention of him being from the same sect as Li Xiang Yi or anything. So, it was all the production team making a big deal out of him. He did die during the battles between Li Xiang Yi and Di Fei Sheng’s forces, but it wasn’t due to some grand conspiracy or anything. They were just caught in the middle of the battles and all. Because they were one way another responsible for overdoing it with taking on too much power and attracting attention from bigger forces. That time just happened to be between them and Di Fei Sheng’s forces. The actor benefited greatly from the extension of his role and the far-out storyline that didn’t happen in the novel. I was actually impressed with the twist of him not being dead after all. But that was going too far with linking him to Fang Da Bing and all. The actor did a good job. I’m just saying the production team’s decision was stretching, once again. Yes, I know, the hype of having him as the villain was something. However, that contradicted some of the plot and Li Xiang Yi’s character development in general. They made it so honorable that Li Xiang Yi was seeking out his senior’s body, that was one of the reasons why he accepted the challenge with Di Fei Sheng in the first place. But that didn’t make sense with some of the dialogues of how Li Xiang Yi blamed them or was upset with them for neglecting and/or abandoning him or vice versa. It showed the rest of the Si Gu Sect being so petty and not understanding why he had to do it, for his senior’s body, etc. However, that wasn’t so in the novel, so it made more sense it was all about those power struggles and how Si Gu Sect wasn’t so united after all. There were mixed feelings all around yet Li Xiang Yi wasn’t able to see it all until later when he lost everything and finally calmed down and accepted reality after some years of wandering around (and just trying to survive).
- Wang Jing (王靖) as Shi Wen Jue (施文絕). It was rumored that Li Lian Hua brought him back from death. Yet it was because he was practicing some special technique and someone thought he was dead hence burying him. Li Lian Hua just happened to pass by and heard him hence digging him up. It was the same in the novel. However, he was revealed to be one of Li Lian Hua’s close friends, just like Fang Da Bing. He actually knew Li Lian Hua would die some day from craziness but only knew that it would be from some sort of disease. He didn’t know Li Lian Hua’s identity as Li Xiang Yi or his other secrets. He was still a close friend but was dismissed as some side character in the series. In fact, Li Lian Hua often left his mobile home to him to take care of while Li Lian Hua was going somewhere that he couldn’t take the house with him. So, it was strange to see how he was pushed aside like that. He actually knew about Li Lian Hua’s identity as Li Xiang Yi before Fang Da Bing; and told Fang Da Bing when he came to visit him at the capitol where Fang Da Bing resided with the princess (because they were already married after the case of the palace).
- Huang You Ming (黄宥明) as Xiao Zi Jin (肖紫衿). He was about the same whether it was series or novel. He was equally fake and despicable. He even said it at the wedding (in the novel becuase I don’t remember in the series anymore) that he was glad Li Xiang Yi was dead. The others of the past weren’t surprised. Considering how Li Xiang Yi was believed to be dead anyway, the others didn’t take as much offense. (Well, that was except for Shi Shui.) According to Ji Han Fo in the novel, Xiao Zi Jin was some who loved fame and power and was also quite set in his beliefs, not wavering just because. Ji Han Fo also thought that if Xiao Zi Jin were to take the rein by becoming the leader of the new Si Gu Men, he wouldn’t sit still (aka would do something about garnering more power, etc). However, Ji Han Fo didn’t say anything out loud either because that wasn’t his place. He just let the others do whatever because he had to take care of his own place too. The only reason why Xiao Zi Jin would withdraw from the martial world and find a secluded place to reside at was because of his pursue of Qiao Wan Mian and wanting to win her heart. He wasn’t the type to keep quiet long. No one was innocent in the old days anyway, but I felt he was a new shade of despicable all by himself. Because I swore the reason why he hung around Li Xiang Yi was because he was to steal the latter’s lover. That was it. Li Xiang Yi was just too blinded at that time to see it. (I wasn’t too sure in the novel if Li Xiang Yi knew before he fell years ago but I barely remembered some people knew Xiao Zi Jin liked Qiao Wan Mian way before the tragedies occurred and he moved in quickly to comfort her.) He reminded me of Yue Bu Qun (except even more despicable, if that was possible). Because he was so good at keeping a nice and righteous reputation in front of other people of the martial world yet was a different person behind it all. Even Fang Da Bing admired him at first in the novel but eventually came to the conclusion that he was an asshole when coming into closer contact with him and interacting with him somewhat.
- Yu Bo (于波) as Ji Han Fo (纪汉佛). I can’t believe Yu Bo lost so much power within the industry that he was portraying an important character yet got robbed. Yes, his identity was important in here but his scenes were so robbed that it made him so insignificant. Yeah, I know, he still appeared during meetings and seemed to have pulls at times but that was the surface. He was actually one of the ones meeting up with Li Lian Hua during the case regarding the tunnel in the temple and suspected Li Lian Hua was Li Xiang Yi (even if Li Lian Hua made some outrageous story to get out of it). He just chose not to dwell on it anymore. Or he, like some others, also had some unresolved conflicts with Li Xiang Yi that he was still torn. Yet as a leader, he was really capable and calm. There were indeed times when he was upset but that was rare but also scary (the other three knew not to piss him off over petty arguments). Too bad they needed someone else to shine so they cut his scenes short and made him somewhat of a background character.
- Lu Hong (路宏) as Yun Bi Qiu (云彼丘). He was the one responsible for Li Xiang Yi’s downfall, considering he was the one who poisoned Li Xiang Yi years ago. He was about the same but there were a little background development to connect what he did the whole while, trying to bring Jiao Li Qiao and her alliances down and trying to make up for what he did in the past.
- Liu Wei Sen (刘蔚森) as Bai Jiang Chun (白江鹑). He was described as having a round figure yet was very fast. It was said in the novel that he still believed Li Xiang Yi was alive and still sent some people out to look for Li Xiang. It wasn’t clear if he’d done it out of guilt or out of loyalty. But he and Ji Han Fo did suspect Li Lian Hua was Li Xiang Yi when meeting Li Lian Hua for the first time yet dismissed it after some back and forth. One of the reasons why they were convinced Li Lian Hua was Li Xiang Yi was Li Xiang Yi’s Yangzhouman was able to preserve one’s youthful appearance.
- Wu Shi Le (吴施乐) as Shi Shui (石水). Shi Shui was a guy in the novel and his appearance was said to be unattractive because it matched his attitude. Aside from the transition to a female character and making her appearance more appealing, the attitude was about the same. Even the weapon was the same. She was hotheaded and loyal to Li Xiang Yi throughout, regardless if he was alive or dead. She was also opposed to Xiao Zi Jin taking over the New Si Gu Sect (and that was the same as the novel version of the character). In fact, Shi Shui was opposed to Xiao Zi Jin in general. Not sure how old they made her in the series but Shi Shui in the novel was older than Li Xiang Yi yet referred to Li Xiang Yi as the older brother figure because that showed how much Shi Shui respected Li Xiang Yi.
- Zhang Fan (张帆) as Qi Mu Shan (漆木山). Li Liang Yi and Shan Gu Dao’s master. I haven’t watched him since SCI Mystery, so I didn’t recognize him at first. He was an interesting character and only appeared in flashbacks. However, he appeared to dote on Li Xiang Yi because of Li’s natural gift in martial arts in general. That sowed the seed for Shan Gu Dao’s jealousy but he wasn’t apologetic toward it. He once said Li shouldn’t yield to Shan because that would mean disrespect for Shan (by lying to the latter) so he genuinely wanted Shan to improve and hone his own skills through his own practice and strategy. Although Li was seen arrogant through various flashbacks but he had great respect for his master.
- Wang Jiu Sheng (王九胜) as Snow Master (雪公). I didn’t recognize him at first, lol. It wasn’t until I read his name on the cast list that I went back and watch some scenes of him that I finally recognize him.
- Luo Ming Jie (骆明劼) as Guan He Meng (关河梦). Su Xiao Rong’s sworn brother. A famous medic. He was somewhat stubborn and set in his way, unwilling to compromise regarding medicine. Because he claimed if he wasn’t sure on the techniques, he wouldn’t try it, not wanting to harm others. However, he considered some other angles later on. It was revealed in the novel that he loved Su Xiao Rong and that was how why she was killed. Yes, someone was jealous of his affection for Su Xiao Rong so killed her. In the series, it might be possible he liked her but it was portrayed as him being really concnerned for her, not wanting her to be involved in all those conflicts, which was reasonable.
- Guo Jun (郭军) as Fang Ze Shi (方则仕). Fang Da Bing’s father.
- Ding Yi Yi (丁一一) as He Xiao Feng (何晓凤). Fang Da Bing’s aunt. She liked Li Lian Hua and was seen at one point to compete with Su Xiao Rong for Li Lian Hua’s attention.
- Xu Bai Hui (徐百慧) as He Xiao Hui (何晓惠). Fang Ze Shi’s wife, Fang Da Bing’s mother.
- Zhao Wen Hao (赵文浩) as Zhan Yun Fei (展云飞). He was a very interesting character and I actually liked him immediately upon his introduction (and crossed my fingers he wasn’t one of the villains in disguised, lol). It was strange because there was a mysterious aura to him yet it was somewhat addicting to watch his character unfold. Perhaps, it was because of his reaction upon seeing Li Lian Hua. It was later revealed he knew Li Xiang Yi and had recognized him but did not expose Li Xiang Yi, knowing Li Xiang Yi had his reasons for keeping the secret. It was also revealed that he had a bet with Li Xiang Yi and lost it hence not combing his hair ever again. It was a strange bet but it was funny how things turned out. Also, he wasn’t a guard at Fang Da Bing’s aunt’s place but was a guard at Fang Da Bing’s distant cousin’s place. The case had to do with the distant cousin, NOT the aunt yet they merged it and tied some details with the overall plot. I couldn’t believe how much he was robbed until I read the novel. He actually went on another adventure with Li Lian Hua and Fang Da Bing after the initial case at the mansion regarding the tattooed skin. They bonded a little more and survived the most dangerous night together. One of the memorable phrases that he told Li Lian Hua at one point were: “Some people disposed of their swords so easily, others would never let down theirs. The difference was in one’s belief.” That was said when Li Lian Hua left Zhan’s sword behind because it was too heavy and he wasn’t able to tend to everyone and carry the sword at the same time. Those phrases stuck with Li Lian Hua for the rest of the story and he reflected on those phrases twice more. The first time reflecting on it, he still remembered it was Zhan Yun Fei who said it and still remembered how upset Zhan was with him because of how he discarded the sword so easily. However, the second time he recalled that phrase, he had forgotten who had said it. It was to show how his memory was deteriorating. It was during the scene where he broke his sword. (It was Wenjing, NOT Shaoshi like in the series.) Anyway, what did the production team do instead? They compensated Zhan Yun Fei by linking him to He Xiao Feng and giving him a romance story instead, even allowing him to be a part of the last battle. I didn’t have anything against He Xiao Feng since I found her character funny but I still felt robbed because they cut out scenes of an important character and his bond to Li Xiang Yi just like that. The foundation for Zhan Yun Fei was already there, why change that? It was ridiculous.
- Canti Lau as Guo Gan (郭乾). I was a bit surprised seeing Canti in here. Yet soon focused on the storyline. He was suspicious all right. In fact, everyone at that place looked creepy, lol. Mean, but they had some secret or looked like they wanted to scare everyone or something. His identiy shifted a bit but the majority of the details for the case were the same.
- He Zhong Hua (何中华) as Emperor of Da Xi (大熙皇帝). He was an illegitimate heir to the throne and it wasn’t his fault what his ancestors did. However, what he chose to do made him tenfold despicable. It wasn’t surprising since he wanted to keep his royal throne and the legacy intact after all. Yet it didn’t make him less hateful. And he wasn’t the reason why Li Lian Hua ended up dying (because Li Lian Hua gave the flowers to him to cure the poison). Because the Shan Gu Dao story arch didn’t happen in the novel, that was irrelevant. What the novel chose to solve the secret of the past was allowing the king to go forward with the marriage between Fang Da Bing and Princess Zhao Ling. It was to say they were family now, so they were stuck together and had to guard the family secret.
- The main three. It was important that they were likeable to hold up the show. The three guys worked well together and their storyline worked well for their odd bond and/or link throughout. I quite enjoyed the banter going on at times and their complicated relationships throughout the series. Their friendships and conflicts were highlighted throughout yet the humor also kept their link intact.
- The majority of the main cast. I must say the majority did very well and carried their part to liven up the series.
- Cases. Although the majority of the cases got swapped out and connected to the main plot versus the novel, I appreciated that they presented some proofs at times so it wasn’t just heavily depending on Li Lian Hua’s words like in the novel. Yes, in the novel, it did reveal he was right for the majority of his guesses of the details of what happened but it didn’t show as much. So that helped viewers understood his analysis better.
- Soundtrack. One of the rare times in recent years I ended up becoming obsessed with the soundtrack of a series. Every song was well written and fitted with the theme of the series as an overall. The lyricist also performed some songs also, so that was a bonus.
- The fighting was nicely done. In recent years, I can’t even count on my fingers the time they did a martial arts production properly. Because they often do it in slow-mo that you wonder why they bothered anymore. (Not talking about fantasy ones where they showed magic being used and needed to do the effects. That’s different. Talking about wuxia–or what they were trying to do to pass as a wuxia.) That one actually showed effort and the fighting was decent where it was relevant to the plot.
- Costumes. Regardless of my complaints the butchering of the plot, the costumes were on point and looked like that was how the martial world was supposed to be. The various outfits fitted their personality and identity at different points of the stories. It also brought out their characters and separated them from others.
- Makeup. I really had to compliment the production team on this. The makeup was done nicely for the majority of the characters. I liked it that the right touches were put so that it didn’t look like the guys were wearing ten layers of powder on their faces. Also, the beauties each had their own styles.
- The elimination of some major characters in the novel that could have fixed the plot holes. Aside from severely cutting Zhan Yun Fei and Shi Wen Jue’s scenes and reducing their importance to Li Lian Hua (and even cutting Li Lian Hua’s stories), they also turned Fo Bi Bai Shi (Bai Chuan Court’s four leaders) to side characters. Not to mention, complete elimination of characters. If it was just side characters, it would be acceptable since the cast was already a bit beloated after they extended some unnecesary story arches. However, they went a bit too far when they eliminated Fu Heng Yang (傅衡陽) from the series. He was the driving force behind the new Si Gu Sect. He stood up and called for unification and the rebuilding of Si Gu Sect hence them even entertaining that idea in the first place. He was considered the ambitious new blood of a young generation that wanted to continue the will of Li Xiang Yi, not fearing anything. His one flaw was probably not understanding the full picture (like some of the old gang of the old Si Gu Sect) and supporting Xiao Zi Jin (because he like the majority of the major characters didn’t know how despicable and petty Xiao Zi Jin could be, except some oldies from Si Gu Sect but they didn’t care. So Xiao Zi Jin basically got away with stuff because he was so good acting in front of others). Anyway, Fu Heng Yang was a brilliant strategist so he set the stage for a lot of the schemes against Jiao Li Qiao. The elimination of his character made it seemed like there was no hope for the new generation or something. But that wasn’t so. Fu Heng Yang’s other flaw was that he was terrible at chess. According to Fang Da Bing (in the novel, obviously), Fu Heng Yang’s chess techniques were so terrible that Fang Da Bing was able to win over him so many times. Yes, it was a side funny detail but became really relevant later. Because, spoilers alert, Li Lian Hua didn’t die at the end (even if you didn’t watch the special episode) in the novel. He became blind and lost some of his motor skills already (so that meant he couldn’t use his martial arts at all) but he was living by the seaside at that point. It was mentioned Fang Da Bing found him but kept him at this one secret location in hope of finding ways to cure him. It was just a small shred of hope yet he had to hold on. Also, because he didn’t want others to bother Li Lian Hua either if they knew. Shi Wen Jue was the other one who knew about Li Lian Hua’s whereabouts at that point. When Li Lian Hua escaped from his habitat (or more like he snuck out temporarily) and took a walk by the seaside, it was revealed someone was waiting for him. That person had been playing chess with him so they were trying to finish a chess match. Li Lian Hua asked if the other person thought of the next move yet. The other person finally gave up and declared Li Lian Hua the winner. Li Lian Hua asked him for the money after that. The other person obliged but asked Li Lian Hua if he really didn’t remember who the former was. Li Lian Hua said he remembered. The other person was shocked yet proceeded to ask Li Lian Hua to clarify. To which Li Lian Hua responded by saying, “You’re the person who has money.” Why did I think that person was Fu Heng Yang? Terrible chess player but was willing to improve. I had a feeling if he found Li Lian Hua, he wouldn’t tell anyone out of respect for the old Li Xiang Yi. Also, that proved Li Lian Hua hadn’t lost his mind yet like Fang Da Bing thought (and Li Lian Hua might have misled him on purpose by pretending to be extremely slow and forgetful). And yes, the writers of the series decided to kill Li Xiang Yi and made it into some honorable death (if they were going for that). But the author chose to give him a normal life away from all the craziness of the martial world. Well, as normal as can be. But it was like the production team didn’t want to see him sicker than what was revealed thus far during the major events of the series. They wanted to preserve his heroic image. Probably one of the reasons they toned down his goofiness in the series as well.
- The ridiculousness of linking almost all the major characters together via some stretched out plot. Seriously, I thought they were pushing it with saying both of Fang Da Bing’s parents couldn’t have kids. (Not impossible but it seemed too much.) It was a major detail to prove he wasn’t his parents’ child. Then it was revealed later he was actually Shan Gu Dao’s child. This was totally made up by the scriptwriters to link Fang Da Bing to the main plot. He had nothing to do with Shan Gu Dao, except that he knew who that person was aka one of the major forces alongside Li Xiang Yi years ago.
- Novel vs. Adaptation. This is inevitable. It was adapted from a novel (as are about 90% of dramas nowadays). So it’s fair game really. I was really tormented because of the mixed feelings throughout yet I chose to agree with the novelist (because I do have my moments with going astray and siding with the production team at times). Yes, this is one of the times I stand strong with the novelist. Although I really liked the majority of the cast, I felt the production team robbed some characters major time so I was more upset the more I read. So, this had nothing to do with the cast but the storyline that got torn apart for the sake of an over-hyped plot. Was it more organized and focused on a main plot? Yes, but it also stripped the story bare and got revamped into a typical jealousy rivalry between two people in a sect and some side palace dramas.
- Masks. It was funny and interesting that the main three wore masks at one point or another. What was funnier that I found Fang Da Bing’s mask the nicest among the three–although he only wore it to conceal himself when trying to join the competition and trying to get into Bai Chuan Court. Di Fei Sheng was the second for me and then Li Lian Hua. It was like the production team ran out of the creative juice and gave up on Li Lian Hua’s mask, lol. But it was all right since he didn’t have to wear it a lot.
- The twist at the end. If you watched, you got it. But I’m going to repeat it here for the sake of the discussion. It was a secret that Li Xiang Yi’s shi mu showed up to reveal. They were trying to destroy the mother insect so it wouldn’t control the others anymore. Fang Da Bing tried to use his own blood but it didn’t work so they had to get Shan Gu Dao’s blood. It didn’t work either. Only when Li Xiang Yi’s shi mu showed up and cut Li Xiang Yi’s hand to pour the blood on the host bug that it worked. Yes, the twist was that Shan Gu Dao wasn’t the royal descendant of that past kingdom but it was Li Xiang Yi. I was actually laughing really hard when that happened. Why? The other dude was so jealous of Li Xiang Yi and plotted all those schemes for nothing. It was a good twist. Although still a lot of made up stuff from the production team but a good one.
- Complaints about how Li Xiang Yi didn’t come back at the end to settle stuff and take care of business at Si Gu Sect. A comment I read was about how he wasn’t putting on his big boy pants to take on the responsibilities but dodged. Um, one, that person missed the point major time about Li Xiang Yi, now Li Lian Hua, no longer lusting power and fame like he used to when he was young. Secondly, that person also did not understand how inner energy works. It’s like the understanding of traditional wuxia is gone or something. Because of the Bicha Poison, Li Xiang Yi’s inner energy is only a tenth of what it used to be. It took a lot for him to use his inner energy during different battles and he was trying to prevent that as much as he could. Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t. Even if he didn’t have to use his martial arts or anything relating to his inner energy to rule because he had a good reputation and people relied on that, that was only a minority. The new generation only heard of the old tales and wanted the same powerful guy to lead them. How could they accept that he was now just a sick person? Also, he would eventually die. He chose to die in his own way. There were other major forces of the old Si Gu Sect who could take that duty on. The major mistake previously was letting Xiao Zi Jin be their leader but that could be corrected in time and find the right person to take over. That was if one wanted to follow the series. Because in the novel, Xiao Zi Jin was still their leader and he had Fu Heng Yang by his side to do the majority of the hard work for him so he got the fame. So, they didn’t need Li Xiang Yi. After Li Xiang Yi settled stuff regarding Yun Bi Qiu, he left them and the others were fine with it. That had a lot to do with how Fu Heng Yang was there and they had their own plans for the New Si Gu Sect.
- Complaints about why Li Xiang Yi’s shi mu (master’s wife) didn’t cure Li Xiang Yi? This was a follow-up of the above complaint but I thought I kept it separate. Um, was anyone paying attention? Probably not the person complaining about this. Li Xiang Yi had this conversation with her. He didn’t want her to sacrifice herself because of him. It was his wish and she chose to respect it.
I don’t think I would recommend it for novel fans. I wasn’t even a novel fan coming in to the series and I was bitter by the time I found the novel and read it. So yeah. Unless you were willing to separate it and just enjoy it for its own. Or just because of the cast. The series itself wasn’t bad, like I said before. It was actually really good for an ancient mystery. It just failed the author regarding faithfulness.
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