New Year segment yet those are not really New Year outfits? Oh well…
She’s getting too excited again, nothing new. Still kind of funny to see him doing damage control though. (IF he can. LOL!)
Awww….touched…. NO WAIT, getting random…lol…
Oooohhhh, hurray! Questioning time. I love those sessions since we all know what happens when he asks her questions. She would get all smart about it. (Smart aleck! LOL!)
YUP, he got it! It was still cute though! Her getting all cute and him getting all annoyed.
Uh…oh….it can’t be good when someone calls you by your full name, right? What does he want now? Face-off time? Like already?
Eh…always finding opportunities to take advantage of her? What’s the big deal anyway? Oh…okay…
Bragging rights again! LOL! That game is hard though. Sort of reminds me of ‘Wipe Out’. He’s pestering her for taking her precious time and she’s saying that he’s too loud? NICE… (And they were both taking turns showing off their English? LOL!)
It’s so much more believable when she uses this excuse? LOL! OR NOT! They were both laughing. Too hard to resist though.
Eh…what’s with the face? Shrek? (Just guessing here.) And he still dares to call her ‘trouble’? OKAY…I think he’s going to pay later for that comment. We’ll see.
She gets so excited about it. Though the prizes are NOT for her, LOL! Oh well…
*All images were captured by DTLCT