I know. Backtracking on my collection but have to, LOL. Another worth-collecting album (for me). It was honestly worth it. I wasn’t thinking about it much the first time but the second time around, it sank in and I didn’t regret getting it at all.

I have to say that Nic’s image in this one is still on the side of boyish. Still cute though.
1. Because of You (只因為你) – A hopeful song. Good start for the album. Uplifting indeed. Not sure if it was featured in Wei Xiao Pasta or not. (One of the songs he sang at the beginning.)
2. A Wound In The Heart (痛徹心扉) – The sub-theme song for Wei Xiao Pasta. A good, sad song. Very well-written.
3. Day & Night (日日夜夜) – Sad, touching song. Too sad for words. YET they were able to write it? Does that even make sense? (Don’t ask. I never make any sense.)
4. Struggle (掙扎) – Another well-written song. Not too depressing yet kind of sad. The struggle of feelings. Typical theme yet I liked the way it was written.
5. Forgotten (忘記愛過) – For some weird reason, I thought it would be suitable for some ancient series. Just listening to it the first time around with how it was written. I still liked it though.
6. Your Heart, My Heart – All right song. Not really my favorite though I liked how it was written. Maybe it was the mix that was affecting my mood toward it.
7. Understood (明白) – Powerful, uplifting song. Well, to me. For some weird, weird reason. Kind of inspirational in a way. Maybe ’cause it sort of had this feeling of bringing back memories, etc. I liked the beat of it also.
8. Don’t Want To Leave (不想離開) – That haunting feeling of not wanting to leave for whatever reason, wanting to make an excuse–any excuse–to delay that departure. And there was also the feeling of not knowing what would happen in the future yet not wanting to hold others back either. Nice song.
9. Make The Best Out Of It (將錯就錯) – Know what it was talking about, but didn’t really like this song for some reason.
10. That Year (那一年) – I don’t know what spot this song takes on my list, but it’s definitely one of my favorites.
11. Dad and Mum (爸爸媽媽) – A nice and touching song about parents. And the encouraging words about family overall.
12. Your Heart, My Heart (Strings Version) – I honestly do not know what’s the difference between this one and the other one. Maybe I have to listen to it more to distinguish the two. I meant it sounded the same. 5 times was not enough to tell the difference. I need to try harder, lol.

1. The Making of A Wound In The Heart (痛徹心扉 MV拍攝花絮) – The funniest thing about watching this is seeing the words scrolling by with random comments while Nic was trying to tell us about the shooting of it, etc. Then the scene where they were shooting the part where he was settling down at the step next to her in front of the house, I was wondering what would it be like if it was Cyndi. (JUST KIDDING…but it would be fun to imagine.) Nic playing with the crutch! (Hope he didn’t hit anyone!) Pretty cool actually. (Well, if people know me, they would know how excited I get with BTS moments.)
2. A Wound In The Heart MV (痛徹心扉 MV完整版) – Watched this MV before–more than twice–when it was circulating on the net. (OKAY, I LIED, it was more than 10 times.) BUT it beats watching it again on VCD. Honestly, I just loved how the transition was done with each of the scenes while he was reminiscing back to the old days. Like the part where he yanked the white cloth back in frustration and then we were able to see another set of memories lost in time. And I wasn’t really paying attention before (since it was blurry) but after reading the messages she left for him, it was really, really sad. I almost cried IF the song didn’t end. That was just sad. Nicely done MV.
3. The Making of Because of You (只因為你 MV拍攝花絮) – More scenes of Nic goofing off! (I pity the director! JUST KIDDING!) More funny scrolling subtitles, lol. Second funniest part was seeing Nic reading the cards for this one lady who excused herself to take the call. What was the funniest? Reading it for the mob boss! He kept drinking water! So nervous! Can’t blame him!
4. Because of You MV (只因為你 MV完整版) – Inspirational MV. Nic reading the Tarot cards? LOL!
5. The Making of Day & Night (日日夜夜 MV拍攝花絮) – Nic getting sprayed by water! What fun! Well, they were trying to give the dog a bath BUT it was the typical story of the dog spraying them instead. How great was that? Nic kept NG-ing so the dog got bored and ran away? Priceless! It was funnier watching him trying to control the dog! It was supposed to be a touching song! LOL! Nic gave up on the dog! LOL! He didn’t care to grab on to steer the dog back anymore! How funny was that? The easiest part must be the dog laying flat on the floor and Nic was just stroking its fur.
6. Day & Night MV (日日夜夜 MV完整版) – Nice job, everyone! The MV pulled through! Aside from the happy scenes with the dog being active, they had to cut the dog out. Probably ’cause he couldn’t stay still? LOL! Poor doggie!

*All images were captured by DTLCT
I liked Nicholas a lot in Wei Shao Pasta–a really pleasant voice. I must check out this album!