Things Those Girls Taught Me by Victor Wong

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(Uploaded by: hilarywang)

Song Title: Things Those Girls Taught Me (那些女孩教我的事)

Lyricist: Chen Mei + Mayday’s Ah Xin (陳沒 + 五月天阿信)

Composer: Mayday’s Ah Xin (五月天阿信)

yao bu shi ni rang xiang nian chang kuang da po tian chuang
If it wasn’t you whom let those furious thoughts break through the skylight
wo bu hui fa xian zhen tou shang de huang liang
I wouldn’t have discovered the pillow top’s desolation
以為你就是故鄉 卻變成我的流浪
yi wei ni jiu shi gu xiang   que bian cheng wo de liu lang
Thinking that you’re just a native yet it turned out that I’m a wanderer
誰的傍晚 是誰的天亮
shui de bang wan   shi shui de tian liang
Who’s nightfall is whose daylight?

shi wu ba qi liu shi liu yi ren tong shi kuang huan
10, 5, 8, 7, 10, 6 hundred millions of people are madly joyous
wu si san er yi ge ren dao shu gu dan
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 persons are arriving at loneliness
回憶的擁擠廣場 假裝你還在身旁
hui yi de yong ji guang chang   jia zhuang ni hai zai shen pang
Recalling the public crowd masking that you’re still nearby
就像你最愛 依賴我的肩膀
jiu xiang ni zui ai   yi lai wo de jian bang
Just like how you loved to depend on my shoulder

第一行時的狂妄 第一首歌的難忘
di yi xing shi de kuang wang   di yi shou ge de nan wang
The first conduct of arrogance, the first unforgettable song
第一次吻你的唇 你的倔強
di yi ci wen ni de chun   ni de jue jiang
The first time kissing your lips, your stubbornness
第一顆流星燦爛 第一個天真願望
di yi ke liu xing can lan   di yi ge tian zhen yuan wang
The first glittering meteor, the first naive wish
第一個諾言 美麗的荒唐
di yi ge nuo yan   mei li de huang tang
The first verbal promise, the preposterous beauty

你教我 愛的善良
ni jiao wo ai de shan liang
You taught me to love kindheartedly
你教我 恨的野蠻
ni jiao wo hen de ye man
You taught me to hate barbarically
你教我 忘記該忘 傷心太傷
ni jiao wo wang ji gai wang shang xin tai shang
You taught me to forget those that ought to be forgotten, grievances that are too painful
那些你教我的事 讓思念更苦更長
na xie ni jiao wo de shi rang shi nian geng ku geng chang
Those things you taught me have caused the longing to be even more painful and longer
只想問 想念的 想念的 想念的你怎麼樣
zhi xiang wen xiang nian de xiang nian de xiang nian de ni zen me yang
Just want to ask, what should be done if I were to miss you?


ai qing shi xin que huo zhi neng shi lu tu feng guang
Love is a firm belief but could be a journey’s scenic landscape
na nv hai dai wo man you yi ci tian tang
That girl took me on a carefree walk, just one step to Heaven
你教我怎麼愛上 卻沒教怎麼遺忘
ni jiao wo zen me ai shang que mei jiao zen me yi wang
You taught me how to love yet didn’t teach me how to forget
讓我的陽光 都變成淚光
rang wo de yang guang   dou bian cheng lei guang
Causing my sunshine all turning to teardrops

第一行時的狂妄 第一首歌的難忘
di yi xing shi de kuang wang   di yi shou ge de nan wang
The first conduct of arrogance, the first unforgettable song
第一次吻你的唇 你的倔強
di yi ci wen ni de chun   ni de jue jiang
The first time kissing your lips, your stubbornness
第一顆流星燦爛 第一個天真願望
di yi ke liu xing can lan   di yi ge tian zhen yuan wang
The first glittering meteor, the first naive wish
第一個諾言 美麗的荒唐
di yi ge nuo yan   mei li de huang tang
The first verbal promise, the preposterous beauty

你教我 愛的善良
ni jiao wo ai de shan liang
You taught me to love kindheartedly
你教我 恨的野蠻
ni jiao wo hen de ye man
You taught me to hate barbarically
你教我 忘記該忘 傷心太傷
ni jiao wo wang ji gai wang shang xin tai shang
You taught me to forget those that ought to be forgotten, grievances that are too painful
那些你教我的事 讓思念更苦更長
na xie ni jiao wo de shi rang shi nian geng ku geng chang
Those things you taught me have caused the longing to be even more painful and longer
只想問 想念的 想念的 想念的你怎麼樣
zhi xiang wen xiang nian de xiang nian de xiang nian de ni zen me yang
Just want to ask, what should be done if I were to miss you?

*All English translations were done by DTLCT.

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