The journey is finally over for those who had been tuned in since last summer. I will definitely be missing it–regardless of the mixed feelings I have throughout watching the show. The positive just overrides the intense moments. I think those who declared not to watch part 2 missed a major part and a priceless moment that they would’ve loved.
Ta-da! Yup, Luo Gang re-emerged in episode 20 working at a fruits farm. He had promised Sheng Nan to turn a new leaf, stay out of trouble and meet her again on her birthday, which was supposedly 6 months later. What else does it call for? The triangle that I said wasn’t even resolved yet in the other post. So I didn’t miss anything after all. People are going to love FTV for this since they managed to pull it off–even if Tang Feng/Luo Gang seemed to be forgotten for the first 19 episodes. (Not totally since Sheng Nan did mention him at various points.)
Credit: FTVCP
I thought they were going to forget it too since Tang Feng had to shoot Father & Son at the same time, etc. However, they managed to squeeze it in, giving the audience the final answer. I sort of have the feeling the audience will never forgive FTV if they didn’t resolve this. They did put us through one season of agonizing tennis, right? (Yes, the ball being bounced back and forth between Luo Gang and Shan Ren.) It was too hard to believe that Sheng Nan would settle for Shan Ren after developing their bonds even more in season 2. Why? It’s not that I wouldn’t like the story of how she’s touched with Shan Ren’s actions hence giving him a chance. But it was way more obvious already that she loves Luo Gang, so why settle?
Though it was more like Shan Ren let go, allowing Luo Gang and Sheng Nan a chance without any hesitation at last. YET Luo Gang and Sheng Nan are both very strong characters. They wouldn’t be feeling guilty or bad just because Shan Ren likes Sheng Nan. Why should they be sorry for loving each other, right? But I thought that was kind of funny that they were wrapping everything at the part where it would determine whether Shan Ren would make it or not. After all, Shan Ren had chosen to join Wang Wei and the others to continue that journey of training and staying within the military. Yes, he finally found something that he could follow besides Sheng Nan.
Do I have to remind people that I’m a Shan Ren/Sheng Nan shipper? Yet I won’t resort to all those name-callings toward the other side like some Luo Gang/Sheng Nan shippers have been doing. If you’re not one of them, I’m not talking about you. With that said, I’m so glad the writers made Sheng Nan ended up with Luo Gang. Fans would be happy. (AND I already said numerous times already that I’m a Tang Feng fan, but I don’t just support blindly if I don’t feel strongly toward a couple. Though I can accept the final outcome. I don’t think I need to justify myself even more.) No more wars or attacks about whether it was pathetic that Luo Gang lost, right? Since after all, he didn’t lose. In a way, I’m very glad because he could start over, but also get the girl. NOT seeming so depressing and hopeless like the end of season 1. (Though he did think it through when they wrapped up season 1 but it just seemed so sad for his case.) But after seeing him working hard at the fruits farm and being full of hope again made everything better. His dark moods being gone made things tenfold better as well. It meant he had let go of that dark past already. Who said the main guy had to be the hero to be the winner, right? He had lost the other chance, but that didn’t mean the end of the world. There are still other alternatives to it. (And it wasn’t like he didn’t get to be the hero since we did see the rescue scene at the beginning of episode 22 AND how his righteousness had gotten him into some disagreements with Chen Pai Zhang. But I so support Chen Pai Zhang at that part since the kids’ parents should be responsible for looking after the kids, NOT the military. They already put up a bunch of signs to warn others AND not to mention how one of the officers on duty already told the kids about the dangers.)
Enough about that since I think some others deserve some spotlights too? LOL! Who to talk about first? Or actually what?
My favorite team in here. Yet I felt disappointed that they didn’t get more scenes near the end. I meant like to the ending to show their bond. Yeah, sure, we get it that they were closed and were pals. But I honestly want to see more. Just a little more. It was just off to see Luo Gang supporting Shan Ren and trying to encourage him on–though through reverse psychology. It was just off even if I wanted to see Luo Gang get some sort of action toward the end as well. Why? Wang Wei had been helping Shan Ren subtly since the beginning and they had been consistent throughout with making fun of each other or even during the trials. Yet they only got a bit of a few wisecracks after everything was taken care of? What I thought was cool was the part where Shan Ren conned Wang Wei into thinking they would have the face-off. It was a chance for them to see who was really the better one. LOL! Hilarious since Shan Ren tricked Wang Wei and fled. That was why I feel the more that Wang Wei should be the one beside Shan Ren, helping him get through the last bit, not Luo Gang. Or was that scene near the end with Luo Gang helping him and cheering him on–along with Sheng Nan–a key scene to allow him to make the decision about letting go? Maybe…YET it made me feel they lost momentum with separating Wang Wei and Shan Ren into two teams near the end. I had enjoyed their reunion at last with fighting by each other’s side again like brothers YET it had to turn out that way. A shame, but I won’t dwell too much. Can’t protest anyway because it already ended and no one cares that much like me.
What was a bit disappointing and extremely saddening? Enson Chang’s accident hence him not being able to have more scenes in here. No one wanted it to happen and glad that he had been recovering since then. However, I was really looking forward to watching him.
What was somewhat interesting yet turned out too hilarious? Ah Xiang and Hao Zi weren’t in season 2 yet they were listed in the opening credits. Nice? Was I the only one being confused? What in the world happened? And their appearances in the flashbacks DO NOT count.
Oh yeah, one last item for this one. This totally got me going. Wu Yong got robbed during the last bit of it. I meant he was impressive with his vast knowledge of the jungle/forest, etc. How could he fail so miserably near the end? Okay, so the other team followed Shan Ren’s plan and won because Shan Ren was so cunning (and I so believe that). And I don’t really care who wins since they all passed anyway, but it was like Wu Yong practically went into the shadow. He got forgotten just like Wang Wei. I just can’t accept that (and will probably have to live with it since like I said before, no one cares as much as me about the little details). So Wu Yong trapped Shan Ren and let him go that one time AND Shan Ren was going to repay him YET it was a trap? A TAD too messed up with Shan Ren trying to win. Though they probably didn’t care since they were good sports about it but it made it a bit less challenging with Shan Ren’s team winning all the time. I actually thought some of the others on Wang Wei’s side weren’t that bad with their techniques. How could they lose so badly? Or be that careless? It made them too much of a joke because they were after all part of the Special Operations Unit after all, right?
I’ll save other stuff for the next time when I do a different post about this drama. YES, there are more. Yet I don’t want to say too much for now.
*All images were captured by DTLCT
I thought the series had great appeal because of the good characterisations and generally good acting. And of course so many Taiwanese could identify with the characters’ experiences, having done compulsory military training themselves. I wonder if the rigorous physical training depicted in some of the scenes has put off certain celebrities who apparently are still dodging their training by being perennial students. Not that I am naming names, of course.
@vgag – Totally got you. But I had a feeling drama was done to convince others that it is not as scary? Not to mention how it brings back the spirit with doing it for the country, etc. (Patriotic theme and whatnot.) Regarding the filming though, Ah Pang was talking about it took three years for them to film it. Not only they did have to train, film, and do additional work, but also had a pause because of the storm last year. But I thought it was pretty impressive. Some fans were actually yelling for part 3 on some of the Facebook comments, which was funny and sort of ironic – since some did claim to NOT watch part 2 because of the cast decrease in part 2.