This was not a single movie but a series of short stories surrounding the same theme. There were four stories in this saga.
The first one starred Van Fan and Megan Lai, the second Blue and Annie, the third one Ethan and Alice (of course), and the last one was Tracy’s story.
San Sheng You Xing (三聲有幸) – Van Fan was trying to find a person who could protect his girlfriend if he did not make it out of the surgery room.
Hua Shan * 24 (華山‧24) – Blue and Annie met again after so many years but somehow she has lost her memory so she did not remember him. He must try to seek out the reason and work his way into her life again.
Xing Yun (幸運) – Ethan was a stuntman while Alice was a flight attendant. They had an argument. She left because he was being unreasonable. He finally confronted his own self and tried to chase after her and get her to forgive him before it was too late.
Di Liu Hao Liu Hai (第六號瀏海) – Tracy was having bad luck with guys and she kept running around asking people “Why doesn’t anyone love me?” until one day a fortune-teller told her that she would encounter six guys and the sixth person would be her prince charming or Mr. Right. Searching desperately for each, she landed into the hands of fate, except it was of a twisted one.

I especially like the first one the most because it was really short and meaningful. It was really touching with the idea, especially the opening scene, and then it finally unfolded into much more than just two people meeting each other out of nowhere and then doing goofy things together.
My second favorite must be of Blue and Annie’s story. Memory and the loss of memory have been done to the point of overkill but this one was different in that it did not try too hard to be perfect. It was just how it was and let the flow take its way. Really nice story also. Tammy Chen’s special appearance in here was really cute as well.
The third one was meaningful in its own context but I didn’t like it too much because of how the storyline was. It was too short for the approach of that type of storyline. Still was not that bad though.
The last one was lame, corny, exaggerated, and beyond words. But I guess that was why it needed so many guest stars to cover the bases. It was great to see members of different bands collaborating together. Also, Alec Su and Ken Chu’s special appearances were very funny.
So, worth watching or not? Your choice really. I thought it was worth every cent of my money because the fact that they were smart enough to put the best storyline first and then the next one was the longest one among the stories but it was the correct one to include more details. There was also the thing with a lot of interesting guest appearances to move the story along if it was not all that, like the last story.
*All images were scanned by DTLCT
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