Exchanging Lives by Calvin Chen
Song Title: Exchanging Lives (交換人生) Lyricist: Zhang Peng Peng (張鵬鵬) Composers: Wang Yin and Huang Zhou (王寅、黃舟) Key: Bold =
…let the randomness unleash…
Song Title: Exchanging Lives (交換人生) Lyricist: Zhang Peng Peng (張鵬鵬) Composers: Wang Yin and Huang Zhou (王寅、黃舟) Key: Bold =
You know 2017 is going to be a good year when you wake up and read about Qiaoru’s latest development.
Continue readingQiaoru: Meeting the Parents – Real Life Version
Okay, I was just bored and wanted to start a list. But I will only include the ones I know
(Image Credit: Calvin Chen’s Official Facebook Page) I finally have some time to hunt this down. When Cyndi appeared onstage
I actually didn’t want to focus on this but when I saw someone posted some pictures on one of Calvin’s